Video Requirements: Include: What the video is about / channels it should appear in / video length / verbal mentions / what to wear / details for video description box (e.g. promotion links)
Social Promotion Requirements: Include: what are these posts about / social channels they should appear on / images to be included / any campaign Hashtags or @mentions etc.
Hashtags: #
@mentions: @
Blog Post Requirements: Include: what is this blog about / where will it be posted and any mandatory requirements.
Dos (must be included in this activity): Include brand mentions / product mentions / clothing to be worn / ‘Paid promotion’ messaging
Don’ts (must not be included in this activity): Include other brands not to shown or mentioned / language not to be used / other restrictions?
Usage Rights: Include requirements related to Video rights & usage / Music & image rights & clearance
Approved assets to be delivered in the following formats & specifications.
Video files url:
Images file url:
Audio files url:
Include any other considerations or requirements for this activity. Tags / client website links / descriptions / legal hashtags (e.g. #ad / #promotion). Also, is the Influencer required to authenticate and link their channel data for this activity – or provide screen shots of live data?