First Name
    Last Name
    E-mail Address
    1. Pick the appropriate choice

    (For product) How many products are there ?Background?

    (For corporate) How many people are there ?

    (For candid) Names of the location
    2. What does the photographer has/need to supply for the photo session to take place ? *props, model, etc - costs incurred)*
    3. Image format required as follows *please choose the appropriate choice*
    a. high resolution for print in brochure, flyer, exhibition or other material & dimension and quantity needed
    b. web resolution for website, social media, blog
    4. Do you want the images to be landscape or potrait orientation or both ?
    5. What messages do you want the images to convey the audience ? (mood, tone of voice)
    6a. What is the image material specification to be delivered

    b. Format
    7. Do you have a mood board showing examples & styles of images?

    8. Do you want us to create a mood board displaying the characteristics of images?

    9. Do you want to go through with us for each following approval ?
    a. Position (camera viewpoint)

    b. Light

    c. Shot content

    d. Model

    10. Mandatory requirements/practical considerations that the photographer should take note of

    (any rules from Brand guidelines can/cannot be shown, handover the copyright of photos, negotiation of number of times images used)
    11. What is the overall allocated budget for photography project ? (Do you wish us to suggest or have your breaking down into component parts for each phase of photography production ?)